Monday, January 25, 2021

Repentance of Sin

What does "repentance" as put forth in the Bible mean? Let's look at Luke 13:1-5 where Jesus spoke of repentance: "...unless you repent you shall likewise perish” (speaking of sinners who had perished). Jesus was telling them to look at their own sins and not just at the sins of others. Remember in Romans 3:23 that the Bible says "for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God"; and in Galatians 3:22 "... the scripture has concluded that all are under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe." CHANGES ARE CAUSED BY REPENTANCE: 1) Change of heart" - our attitude about that sin has changed to that of God's attitude; 2) The “will” is affected - the ingredient (true repentance) necessary to strengthen our will, so that change takes place, had been added. 3)Change in conduct” (or life) - the external evidences (fruits) that "show" that our repentance is true.

"Remorse or contrition from past sin(s) against God, to turn"
Joel 2:12-13 " 'Now, therefore,' says the Lord, 'Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning. So rend your heart, and not your garmets;' return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful. Slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm." Psalm 51:10 "Creat in me a clean heart, O God. And renew a right spirit within me." REPENTANCE HAS SEVEN STEPS, OR PARTS: 1) “CONVICTION OF SIN” (Acts 2:36-8; Psalms 51) - "they were pricked in their heart" translates "to pierce thoroughly" or to “be convicted” --- found themselves “guilty as charged!”. 2)SORROW or CONTRITION” - 2 types: a)Godly sorrow”- "produces repentance leading to salvation (2 Corinthians 7:8-10)" b) "Worldly sorrow” - “produces death", or leads to spiritual death (it is just superficial or shallow). Matthew 27:3-5, Judas "repented," (had remorse) but it was a "worldly sorrow" 3)CONFESSION OF FAULT" - to admit one's faults or sins to others and to God. In Luke 15:11-32 Jesus tells the story of the "Prodigal Son" that illustrates how God perceives us, and how we should perceive God. 4)RENUNCIATION" (Isaiah 55:7; 2 Corinthians 4:1-2) - to renounce, abandon, get rid of it. 5)RESTITUTION" (Luke 19:8) - undo what we have done wrong, if we can. 6)REFORMATION" (Matthew 3:7-8; 2 Timothy 2:19; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11) - bring to a right relationship; changes were made. 7)TRANSFORMATION" or “renewing of our mind” into the "mind of Christ".(2 Corinthians 4:16; 5:17; Romans 12:1-2, 9-21; 1 Corinthians 2:16; Ephesians 4:22-5:21).

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At one time I was an Agnostic/atheist, not much caring if God existed or not. Then one day I was challenged to examine the evidences of God and the Bible. These are the basic truths I as "Just a Christian" am trying to share with others on these blog-sites: 1) To provide the “evidences” for God and the creation, the infallibility of the Scriptures, and for Jesus Christ as the Lord and savior of mankind. [Hebrews 11:1] 2) To reach the lost with the complete Gospel of Christ and salvation. [Romans 1:16; 2:16; 5:19-20; Galatians 1:7; 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9] 3) To help Christians to grow in their knowledge and faith and the grace of God, and commitment to following Christ. [1 Peter 2:2] 4) To promote and defend the unity of church and the doctrine of Christ. [Mark 7:7-9; John 10:16; Ephesians 4:4-5; 1 Corinthians 1:10] Please e-mail me at with any comments or suggestions. Thanks, DC